A new photographer friend of mine offered to do a training shoot with me and my friend Stephanie. I brought my son Michael and she brought her little sister for our models and they were the perfect little couple. We learned so much and I had a blast. Thanks Scott.
First, she was annoyed a boy had to sit by her. Then, she started liking the idea, then she liked the idea so much she started blushing!
My new friend Scott Jarvie who offered to teach me and Steph.
I got permission from my friend to post these photos of her adorable boys. Easton with his curly locks and Zach who is a little too smart for his age! He was reading all the signs as we walked around. Don't tell my husband, he'll wonder why my Abby can't read yet!
Even though it is 1 am, I am posting these pictures because I promised my baby brother and his wife I would have a sneak peak or "Lookie Loo" as I choose to call it! So, I picked out a couple of my favs and here they are. They are the cutest couple and are so perfect together.
I got a new 16 GB memory card and used it for a photo shoot today at Red Butte Gardens. When I got home, something was wrong with the card and none of my computers could read it. When I put the card back in my camera, they were gone. I was devastated. Luckily I have a hubby who jumped right on it and spent the entire day recovering all 568 pictures. I am so glad he was able to get them. This is why.................... This is my gorgeous son who was not only my model, but my assistant today as well.
One more HUGE thanks to Ryan for saving these pictures for me. They mean so much more now. Here's one more picture that my 11 year old son took of me today. I have to say I think photography is in his blood too. Love you baby.
Last night I went to Witches Night Out at Gardner Village with my sister-in-laws. After dancing the night away, we went and took pictures. So much fun! I only had my built in flash for light so they aren't as good as the vampire ones.
Had to put one of me. I did the settings and Sherilyn took the shot! Good job sis!
Looking at these pictures I realized my backyard looks pretty cool in pictures! I'll have to do some with the kids.
This is part of my yard where the trees are smaller. Perfect for the little ones! The other side of my yard has the large, full grown scrub oak -- perfect for adults and families (like the picture below). I talked to my hubby and we are going to put an old looking rock wall along the back property line and turn my yard into and outdoor studio. Nice. See? Looks like we drove up the canyon but just went into my yard!
This is my baby sister-in-law. My kids call her "Auntie Cha Cha". We all have been knitting scarves lately and now are making matching beanie caps. She wanted pics of her masterpieces. Love you Chalyn.